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COVID-19 Response Special Edition- Covid 19, High Stakes Poker & the Zero-Sum Game w/ Sarah Nadav

"You can’t have a win/win scenario in poker because of the way the game is designed. In economic and game theory we call this a zero-sum game."
- Sarah Nadav

That’s what we are looking at with the COVID-19 response. Countries are putting people on lockdown because the virus either spreads or it doesn’t. And if it spreads, everyone loses- not just the people who get sick. One person’s gain (freedom) is another person’s loss (safety).

We are no longer talking about health in the context of the elderly or immunocompromised. We’re talking about society as a whole, because the longer this drags on- the worse it is for economies and society at large.
What are you going to do now?

Senior Strategist, Behavioral Economist, World Economic Forum Expert Network, Linkedin Top Voice That plays to our deepest fears as well as opening the door to the most amazing opportunities. We won't go back to the way things were, the "new normal" is temporary, I'm obsessed with helping prepare for the next era.

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