Dec. 18, 2023

Built to Move: Juliet and Kelly Starrett's Blueprint for Lifelong Physical Wellness

Introduction: Juliet and Kelly Starrett, renowned authors and fitness experts, recently discussed their book "Built to Move" on the "Money Matters Podcast." Their approach revolutionizes the concept of physical health, emphasizing sustainable and everyday movements for long-term wellness.

The Philosophy Behind 'Built to Move': The Starretts’ book advocates for integrating movement into daily life. They propose simple, effective strategies that go beyond structured exercise routines, highlighting the importance of non-exercise activity for overall health.

Rewilding the Human Body: One of the key concepts in "Built to Move" is the idea of 'rewilding' the body. This involves creating environments and behaviors that naturally encourage movement and physical function, helping the body to maintain its natural range of motion and capabilities.

Sit and Rise Test: The book introduces the 'Sit and Rise Test' as a simple yet powerful assessment of mobility and a predictor of longevity. It involves sitting down and standing up from a cross-legged position without support, indicating the ease with which one can move and the potential areas that need attention.

Walking as a Fundamental Activity: The Starretts emphasize the importance of walking, not just as exercise, but as a fundamental human activity. They detail its benefits for recovery, mental health, community building, and creating sleep pressure for better rest.

Physical Behaviors as Vital Signs: Juliet and Kelly Starrett advocate for considering physical behaviors, like movement, sleep, and nutrition, as vital signs of health. They encourage readers to set realistic and achievable goals for these behaviors, aligned with personal movement goals.

Impact of Daily Habits on Recovery and Health: Juliet’s experience with breast cancer and her remarkable recovery underscore the book's message. The Starretts highlight how daily habits of movement, nutrition, and rest significantly impact one’s ability to recover and maintain health.

Conclusion: "Built to Move" by Juliet and Kelly Starrett offers a practical and accessible guide to incorporating movement into daily life. It underscores the importance of creating a sustainable physical practice that supports longevity and quality of life.