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Dec. 18, 2023

Revolutionizing Retirement Healthcare Planning: Insights from Christine Simone's Caribou

Revolutionizing Retirement Healthcare Planning: Insights from Christine Simone's Caribou

Introduction: Christine Simone, co-founder and CEO of Caribou, a software solution that simplifies healthcare planning for retirees, shared her groundbreaking approach on the "Money Matters Podcast." Her unique perspective bridges the gap between healthcare and financial planning, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making for retirees.

Background in Healthcare and Transition to Wealth Tech: Simone's journey from the healthcare industry to addressing financial planners and wealth managers at the Wealth Tech Festival highlights her unique cross-industry expertise. Her realization that the healthcare system lacks incentives to help individuals plan and save on healthcare costs led to the inception of Caribou.

The Mission of Caribou: Caribou's mission is to cultivate clarity and confidence in healthcare decision-making for retirees. The company aims to make these decisions more data-driven and objective, challenging the traditional incentive structures inherent in the insurance industry.

Filling a Critical Gap in Retirement Planning: Simone discusses the often-overlooked aspect of healthcare in retirement planning. Caribou addresses this by providing advisors and retirees with tools and resources to make informed choices, thereby integrating healthcare costs into broader financial planning.

Empowering Advisors and Retirees: Caribou's approach empowers financial advisors to bring healthcare planning in-house without becoming healthcare experts themselves. The software acts as a back office, allowing clients to input their data and receive comprehensive analysis, which is then shared with both the client and advisor.

Advice for Retirees on Healthcare Planning: Simone offers actionable advice for retirees, such as understanding the impact of income changes on Medicare premiums and exploring options like high-deductible plans and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for tax-efficient healthcare funding.

Conclusion: Christine Simone's Caribou is a game-changer in retirement planning, seamlessly integrating healthcare planning into financial advisory services. Her insights and the innovative solutions offered by Caribou provide retirees and advisors with the tools needed for comprehensive retirement planning.